Healthier Employees, Happier Workplace
When you join the Workplace Wellness program, not only will your employees benefit, your company will benefit as well. Healthy employees are more productive, have lower stress, are more positive, miss less work, have fewer medical claims, and lower healthcare costs.
Plus, it gives your employee benefits package one more attractive option, leading to greater employee satisfaction and retention.
How It Works
- Your employer agrees to commit to the Workplace Wellness program for a minimum of 12 months.
- Your employer will be invoiced monthly by Two Rivers YMCA for their contribution of your membership.
- The Y matches 50% of what your employers contributes to your membership, up to $10 per month.
- You then pay the discounted monthly membership via bank draft.
On-Site Options
Let us bring the workout to your workplace! Choose from our on-site workout options below, or have a challenge created for your employees that they can do anywhere!
- Personal Training
- Group Exercise
- Workplace Wellness Challenges
Lunch & Learns
Invite your employees to enjoy their lunch break together while learning something new. With multiple topics in three areas of focus, Fitness, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Management; pick a topic that is right for your organization.
InBody - Body Composition Analysis
This biometric testing is a great reference for all. Individuals will participate in a 2 minute scan that will allow them to determine the amount of muscle mass, lean body mass, and even the number of calories they need to fuel their body. Scan 20-25 employees in 45 minutes and then come together for a group discussion to discover what the numbers really mean.